Non-Survey Data

The inclusion of non-survey data in the State of Preschool Yearbook serves a vital role in elevating the depth and richness of our research findings. While surveys are invaluable tools for gathering quantitative data on state preschool programs, they have inherent limitations in capturing the full complexity of the early education landscape. Non-survey data, which encompass qualitative insights, observational records, interviews, and information from diverse sources, empower us to provide a more comprehensive and nuanced view of the state of preschool education in the United States.

These non-survey data sources enhance the Yearbook by offering contextual information, real-world examples, and qualitative understanding. They help us delve deeper into the challenges and successes of various state programs, shedding light on the human experiences behind the numbers. Moreover, non-survey data act as critical validators of our survey findings, strengthening the credibility and reliability of our conclusions. By combining the rigor of survey data with the depth of non-survey sources, the State of Preschool Yearbook delivers a well-rounded and actionable assessment of the nation's preschool landscape, empowering policymakers, advocates, and researchers to make informed decisions and drive positive change in early education.